
Who is Leif Soreide?

Leif Soreide is a successful serial entrepreneur and happily married father of 4 who takes the responsibility of living up to his team's expectations as seriously as he does his family’s. In 2019, a year plagued by failed breakouts, Leif competed against some of the top stock traders in the world to win the U.S. Investing Championship. He compounded his returns, primarily, by pushing his strategy to the limit when the market was trading to his favor and quickly reducing risk when it wasn't. 

To gain the upper hand Leif leverages aggressive entries around well-developed pivot-points that are backed up by trading volume and sometimes social signals. He listens to the market, not talking heads. Leif's best trade ideas are often in names that most traders have never heard of. His rules-based system focuses only on stocks with the highest potential for large returns and he never wastes time trading Blue Chips.

Leif's trading is at its best when his teammates are submitting the best ideas possible to the publication. Through Champion Team Trading Leif is going to assemble a team of traders and demonstrate his winning strategy in real time. He has rewritten the rules to improve his trading performance and wants to help the next generation of traders become champions. While the team’s roster will be limited, spectators will always be welcome. Come see what a "Rocket Base" is and discover some new ways to take your trading to the next level.

Leif earned his MBA in Finance at the University of Miami in 2002 and graduated with honors.  Leif does weekly videos showing you what he is actually doing and how he screens etc.  He always has some interesting and thought provoking things to say that members are saying are worth the membership alone!  Follow Leif on Twitter @LeifSoreide.

What is Champion Team Trading?

Champion Team Trading is a dynamic platform built by Leif Soreide to demonstrate his winning trading strategy in real time. The platform facilitates constructive learning from traders of all skill levels through intelligent organization and by maintaining a rigorous focus on trading.
Leif is not offering personalized investment advice and all information from the Champion Team Trading publication is for educational purposes only. Please read the disclaimer at the bottom of the page.
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