
Upgrade Your Subscription

Quarterly Team

All access pass to content and features for 3 months. Follow Leif’s strategy in real time, share and receive feedback on your trade ideas, and engage in Q&A with the Champ. Commit now and save money before Leif closes the roster!
Save $180!


every 3 months
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Monthly Interactive Team Member

All access pass to content and features on a month-to-month basis. Follow Leif’s strategy in real time, share and receive feedback on your trade ideas, and engage in Q&A with the Champ. Join before enrollment is closed!


Sign Up Now!

Quarterly Spectator

3 months of real time alerts and read only access to limited content. Follow Leif’s strategy without the ability to interact with the Champ or the team for a very low price.
Save $120!


every 3 months
Sign up now!

Monthly Spectator

1 month of real time alerts and read only access to limited content. Follow Leif’s strategy without the ability to interact with the Champ or the team on a month-to-month basis. See below for details.


Sign up now!
Interactive Team Membership
All access pass to content and features. Follow Leif's strategy in real time, share and receive feedback on your trade ideas, and engage in Q&A with the Champ. Join before enrollment is closed! For the price of a basic stock screening tool you can see all of the hottest growth stock ideas and Leif's full process!
Annual Interactive Team Membership
Save $1,200!


$2,400 every 12 months & commit to the process!
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Quarterly Interactive Team Membership
Save $180!


every 3 months ($720)
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Monthly Interactive Team Membership


every month
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Spectator Membership
Real time alerts and read only access to limited content. Follow Leif’s strategy without the ability to interact with the Champ or the team for a very low price. See below for details.
*This week only all spectator memberships come with one week of free Interactive Team Membership viewing (read only access)! See what the Team members are working on!
Annual Spectator Membership
Save $900!


$1,500 every 12 months & commit to the process!
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Quarterly Spectator Membership
Save $120!


every 3 months ($480)
[custom_shortcode type="spec_3"]
Monthly Spectator Membership


every month
[custom_shortcode type="spec_1"]

Elevate Your Trading To The Next Level

Are you tired of wasting your time in unproductive chat rooms? Would you like to be part of a team and receive constructive feedback on your trade ideas? Submit them! Leif goes over what he is seeing and shares it in the publication.  Do you want to learn how to execute a proven stock trading strategy? Leif built Champion Team Trading to address these concerns and more. Join the team that wants to elevate your trading!

We never have sales/promotions/discounts so it's always fair to all members.

The privacy of our subscribers is assured. Your personal information will be known only to the billing department. We do not exchange subscriber information with 3rd parties.

Benefits & Features



Let Leif monitor the market's fluctuations for you while you go about your day. Get real time alerts directly to your computer or mobile device!

Read Only

Read Only

Leif is regularly screening the market for potential rockets to share and evaluate with the team. Leif created a custom CTT Trend Template scan that he uses to discover potential rockets in real time. The results of this powerful scan are updated daily. You’ll always be aware of the stocks that currently meet Champion Team Trading’s strict criteria.

Read Only

Full Access

Leif will regularly update the team as to the positions in his portfolio that exemplify Champion Team Trading’s strategy.

Read Only

Read Only

Constructive feedback is an important component of the learning process and gaining conviction. Team Members will be able to simply submit their trade ideas to the platform for review.


Full Access

There is no shortage of factors that move the markets and affect a sound trading plan on a daily basis. Let Leif interpret how these moves will impact Champion Team Trading’s strategy in the immediate term.

Read Only

Full Access

Champions follow winning game plans and Leif wants all teammates to be on the same page. There will be no ambiguity as to the factors that qualify a stock for inclusion in a watch list.

Read Only

Full Access

Leif doesn’t count time. He makes the time count. In the years that he has spent in front of the screens navigating the markets Leif has accumulated many helpful tips and tricks that he wants to share with the team.

Read Only

Full Access

Leif shares important updates that are best communicated via video. These may cover the market’s condition, a timely trading insight, charts, changes to a position or watch list, a site development, strategy, and more.

Read Only

Full Access

Team Members will be able to submit trading related questions directly to Leif and receive a candid response on how he handles different trading scenarios.  


Full Access

All Members will have their chance to submit general questions during the weekly livestream during market hours.

Full Access

Full Access

Leif knows if you’re not advancing then you’re falling behind. Future platform updates in the pipeline include webinars, portfolio tools, and live trading sessions! Leif breaks things down in weekly videos as well as strategy specific videos so you can go right to what you need to learn. Champion Team Trading is a publication that is regularly updated daily, no matter what the market condition is.

Spectators will always be welcome, but the team’s roster will be limited to ensure maximum productivity. If you want to interact and have access to premium features join now!

Leif Deep-Dives Every Trade To Help You Learn

CELH: 170% Gain In 8 Weeks

Leif trades largely unknown Rocket Stocks that may be intimidating to a novice trader, but he uses sound risk management to protect his capital.  As demonstrated in the daily chart of CELH he established a position as it emerged from a high tight flag. He risked only 5% for a 170% gain in 8 weeks!

EXPI: 165% Gain In 6 Weeks

EXPI showed up on Leif’s scan and exhibited a pattern similar to CELH when he established a position. Leif held the stock for a 165% gain in only 6 weeks. Rockets Only!

PRTS: 85% Gain in 5 Weeks

Leif established a position in PRTS as it emerged from a well-developed base. His last scale earned him an 85% gain in just over a month.  Leif used his system to determine the optimal place to exit the trade and nearly nailed the high into an earnings release!

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